class: middle  --- class: middle # Layout - What am I selling? - The Why - The Process - The Product --- # About Me .pull-left[ ## Career - Previously: - Software Engineering w/ Javascript - Worked for NY Times Graphics Department - Now: - PhD. Candidate, Vanderbilt Biostatistics - Focusing on Visualization and Unsupervized learning - Future: - Looking for Data Science positions for post graduation ] .pull-right[ ## Links - Blog at []( - Tweet at [@nicholasStrayer]( - Code at []( ] --- class: middle ## What am I selling? .pull-left[ ### A Thing .center[ .iconed[📦] ] `sbmR`: an R package to perform uncertainty-aware unsupervised clustering of graph data. ] .pull-right[ ### An Idea .center[ .iconed[💭] ] Building an R package alongside a research project serves to strengthen both the package and the research. ] --- class:middle # The Why --- class: middle # But first... Jargon Break! --- # Bi or Poly-partite networks > Networks that have nodes of multiple distinct types where connections can't form between nodes of the same type.  --- # The __S__tochastic __B__lock __M__odel? A network model to cluster nodes into "blocks".  --- # An equation for validity <div style="margin-top:-75px;">  </div> --- # Really why I showed an equation  --- class: middle # Why SBMs .pull-left[ - Working with Electronic Health Records (EHR) data - Questions arise like "who are these people similar to and why?" - Tried Deep Learning - Lack of interpretability - Needed specialization for bipartite networks - Needed method that acknowledges the limitations of the data. ] .pull-right[  ] --- class: middle # Why write a package? .pull-left[ Graph-Tool in Python fits SBMs but... - Lab uses R - We're focused on uncertainty - Needed to tweak underlying methods for bipartite networks etc. - Wanted to present at RStudio::conf ] .pull-right[ .center[.iconed[📦]] ] --- class: middle # The Process --- class: middle # Getting to the starting line .pull-left[ __Looking into possible graph libraries__ - iGraph is a monolith - Adding computationally heavy steps in R brought it to a halt - [Jim Hester's it_depends talk](  ] .pull-right[ __Deciding to use Rcpp__ - Low-level interface allowed stripping away of non-essentials for graph manipulation. - Wanted an excuse to write in a typed and compiled language. ![:space 5]  ] --- class: middle # Tests and simulated data catch errors .pull-left[ __Software `\(\to\)` Unit Tests__ - Toy examples to test basic functions - Builds strong foundations for larger models - Solidifies intuition about behavior ![:space 5]  ] .pull-right[ __Statistics `\(\to\)` Simulated Data__ - Stochastic data _will_ find your edge cases - Gives an idea of real-world performance ![:space 7]  ] --- class: middle # Getting speedy with it .bullet_emoji[🗺] Following the equations in their exact form is inefficient. <div class = "center", style = "margin-top:-5px; margin-bottom:-70px;"> <img src = "figs/entropy_inefficient.png", height = 350> </div> .pull-left[ .bullet_emoji[🛠] Reworking for efficiency leads to better understanding ] .pull-right[ .bullet_emoji[🧐] Question the purpose of every operation, they are expensive ] --- # Documentation as tests .pull-left[ ![:spacePx 50] __Constantly updating documentation...__ ![:spacePx 40] .bullet_emoji[📷] Keeps you focused on the big picture ![:spacePx 50] .bullet_emoji[👃] Is an informal sniff-test for results ] .pull-right[  ] --- # Vignette or perish .pull-left[ ![:spacePx 60] __Learning resources__ .bullet_emoji[🥀] If no-one knows __how__ to use your package/method no-one __will__ use it. ![:spacePx 80] __Covertly writing__ .bullet_emoji[🖍] Once you're done, you have written a lot ] <div class = "pull-right" style = "margin-top: -5em;"> <img src = "figs/vignette_length.png" height = 600> </div> --- class: middle # The Product --- # What exactly is `sbmR`? .pull-left[ ![:spacePx 90] - Native R package (kinda) - Fits SBMs - Investigates uncertainty of found structure by sampling from bayesian posterior - Provides (a growing list of) visualizations to communicate results ![:spacePx 30] ### []( ] .pull-right[ .shadowed[  ] ] --- class: middle # What is needed to use it? .pull-left[ ### Data .bullet_emoji[✔️] Data that can be represented as nodes and edges between those nodes - Patients with diagnoses - Genomes with mutations - Social relationships - ... .bullet_emoji[🚫] Does not (yet) support non-discrete edges - Correlations between variables - Distances between cities - ... ] .pull-right[ ### __Mentality__ .bullet_emoji[🍱] Interest in __how__ and __why__ your data cluster together ![:spacePx 90] .bullet_emoji[⚖️] A desire to understand how stable clusters are ] --- class: middle # A quick demo --- ## Simulate a network .left-code[ Let's simulate a dense network with three blocks and 40 nodes per block. ```r library(magrittr) library(tidyverse) library(sbmR) k <- 3 n_k <- 40 network <- sim_basic_block_network( n_blocks = k, n_nodes_per_block = n_k ) visualize_network(network) ``` ] .right-plot[
] --- ## Find optimal MCMC initialization .left-code[ Next we find the optimal (closest to median of posterior) starting point for our MCMC ```r # Setup SBM from data my_sbm <- create_sbm(network) # Run agglomerative collapsing collapse_results <- my_sbm %>% collapse_blocks(sigma = 1.01) # Visualize method used to # choose best state from # results collapse_results %>% visualize_collapse_results( heuristic = 'delta_ratio' ) + xlim(0,15) + geom_vline(xintercept = k) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/collapse-network-out-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- ## Sanity check... We can join the model's state after our collapse with the true generating data's blocks to see how well the collapsing algorithm fit the data. .left-code[ ```r # Model state after merge merged_state <- my_sbm %>% get_state() %>% select(id, parent) # Join with true block info left_join( network$nodes, merged_state, by = "id" ) %>% rename(inferred = parent) %$% table(inferred, block) ``` ] .right-plot[ ``` ## block ## inferred g1 g2 g3 ## 0-1_30 40 0 0 ## 0-1_77 0 40 0 ## 0-1_95 0 0 40 ``` ] --- ## Sampling from posterior .left-code[ Run MCMC sweeps from collapse starting point to investigate the posterior structure. ```r sweep_results <- my_sbm %>% mcmc_sweep(num_sweeps = 75, eps = 0.25, track_pairs = TRUE) # Plot Sweep Results sweep_results$sweep_info %>% mutate(sweep = 1:n()) %>% pivot_longer( c(entropy_delta, num_nodes_moved) ) %>% ggplot(aes(x = sweep, y = value)) + geom_line() + facet_grid(name~., scales = "free_y") ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/mcmc-sweeps-out-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- ## Investigating Uncertainty in clustering .left-code[ Plot the pairwise probability two nodes residing in the same block ```r sweep_results$pairing_counts %>% ggplot(aes(x = node_a, y = node_b)) + geom_raster( aes(fill = proportion_connected) ) + theme( axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank() ) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/pairwise-propensity-out-1.png" width="100%" /> ] --- ## Concensus-SNE .left-code[ Package function to visualize the pairwise node to node block similarity with a network. ```r sweep_results %>% visualize_propensity_network() ``` ] .right-plot[
] --- # Future plans .pull-left[ ## Node-level uncertainty Determine which values are structural outliers ] .pull-right[ ## Lots of visualizations Visualization based inference for highly complex models ] --- # The Appendix ## Thanks to .pull-left[ - My advisor Yaomin Xu - Lab Biostatistician Siwei Zheng - Other lab members for thoughtful comments during entire process - Vanderbilt Biostatistics Development Grant - My Cat (and wife) ] .pull-right[  ]