Upon completion of line draw, returns a reactive variable that contains a
vector of the y coordinates of what the user has drawn. This also includes
the start point specified with `draw_start` This is the server component of
shinyviewr. You never directly use this function but instead call it through
the shiny function `callModule()`. See the example for how to do this. Paired
with the UI function shinyviewr_UI
shinyviewr(input, output, session, output_width = 300, output_height = NULL)
input, output, session | you can ignore these as it is taken care of by
output_width | How many pixels wide want your returned photos/the view
of the webcam. Defaults to |
output_height | How many pixels tall want your returned photos/the view
of the webcam. If left unspecified, defaults to a square image,
A reactive function that will return a 3D array with dimensions
(height, width, channels (RGBA))
corresponding to the image taken by
the webcam when shutter was pressed. The RGBA are all in the range of 0-1.
if (FALSE) { camera_snapshot <- callModule( shinyviewr, 'my_camera', output_width = 350) }