
  • Visualization in R: Mistakes, Fixes and Tools

    A review of common mistakes in data visualization, with code on how to fix them using ggplot and some newer libraries.
  • Branch Branch Revolution

    An introduction to branching. What, when, where and why.
  • Git Conflict Management

    A quick tutorial on how to deal with conflicts in pull requests.
  • Shape of Primes

    A random walk style visualization of the first 100,000 prime numbers.
  • Shape of a Story

    A look at the shape of a New York Times article through the lens of happiness.
  • Shape of Words

    A random walk style visualization of word and sentence shape.
  • How To Write a Post

    A simple tutorial on how to write and host a post for this blog.
  • Math Test

    A quick test of the latex math in Jekyll.
  • Sorting Test

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